Saving Life

by ASB Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

Health & Fitness


Seconds count in cardiovascular arrest. In Germany, thousands of people suffer sudden cardiac death every year. In large cities, but also in rural areas, the alarmed ambulance service often needs nine minutes or more to reach the patient. A network of voluntary professional first aiders, who can also be called via the Saving Life app using GPS if necessary, even before the ambulance arrives, could significantly increase survival. The patients chance of survival increases by 10% for every additional minute gained. The Saving Life project is based on the fact that volunteers who install the app on their smartphone are informed of an emergency in their vicinity by the fire brigade control center and take action. In this way, in the event of an emergency, the so-called “therapy-free interval” is to be bridged until the public rescue service arrives. The more volunteers have registered, the more likely it is that an app rescuer will be in close proximity to the emergency and be able to help. For this reason, you too can register and help people in need.